Typography 1 | Word | P.4 Final

  • Final Image


This is my final image, I went and asked Leland between the previous photos and he choose the same one as I choose. I feel this image shows the details of the embroidery more, so this is was one of the reasons why I choose it.

printing tho?????????? I would rant about it for days!! so I went and made test prints because of my previous experience with iBRAHIMS PRINTINGGGGGG.. his computer doesn’t even have indesign..anyways.. even the test prints I tried with so many editing but it still didn’t get to the correct color 😦

Test prints tries

this is how it printed :\


and it wasn’t even the correct size, although I kept repeating make it as an A2 size A2 A2 A2 A2.. still it was around 1 inch smaller.

I printed on Matt paper this time because it was suitable for the concept this time, I didn’t try glossy, maybe I’ll try it for my very final project when it’s all completed with the other parts.

  • Overall experience 

We make these photos by our selves. After going through this project I realized that I can make any photo I want and it’s pure original. I really enjoyed this project because I discovered a new hobby lets say which is embroidery :p

  • Resources found here

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